Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So I was unable to pull myself away from the game to post last night. What a great game! Scary and stressful at times but with a great outcome. Here is a family session I did - the son may look familiar as I did his senior pictures a couple years ago.

Monday, September 29, 2008

MNF - Steelers!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately but I'm still catching up from vacation. I'm going to be proofing pictures all day so I should have some posts later tonight. I need to get them done before the big game tonight! My sister and brother in law are going and I'm so jealous. We try to go to a game every year but this year we may not be able to go :( Here are a couple pictures from my point and shoot at the game we went to in '07. It was SO HOT that day! I had a wedding in Pittsburgh so my hubby came with me and we stayed down for the game the next day. He kept telling me to stop watching the camera guys but it was so fun to watch them scrambling to get the shot with those huge cameras.

Friday, September 26, 2008

1 year old!

Lot's of one year olds lately. Off today for two more in Butler! It's a great age to capture. This little one was such a sweetie. She had a serious side and was trying to figure me out but with mom's lovely singing we got some smiles out of her. I was just in awe of her beautiful eyes!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall and 1 year old!

It's officially fall - my favorite time of year! I'm looking forward to all my fall sessions and this little cutie helped get me in the mood for fall pictures.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well I'm back from my vacation with my family and had a great time! It's always good to get home though...

Sharing pictures of a family session from before I left.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Off to the beach

We are heading out in the morning for the beach. All phone calls will be returned when I get home. I may have limited access to emails - not sure on that yet.

Here are a couple pictures from our vacation last year...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Twin Seniors

A picture together...

Monday, September 08, 2008

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Kittanning and Ford City Seniors

I need you to call me with your picture number you have picked for the yearbook if you haven't done so already. I need the numbers by Monday at the latest.

Also anyone wishing to order pictures I will be ordering up till Monday the 8th. I leave for vacation on the 12th and will be unable to deliver any pictures ordered after the 6th until I return home the 21st.


Baby boom

So many newborns all the sudden! This little man was 12 days old at his session. So sweet...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008