And the result ... (the third girl from the left has a little longer to wait for her baby)
On the left Troy at 6 days, Alexandra at 14 days, and Jayden at 8 days
Pictures with their mama's so you can see who belongs to who.
Later tonight or tomorrow I will post more pictures for each baby! Aren't they all cute? I'm off today for another newborn session. I think there is a small baby boom happening...
I've come to the realization I'm not going to get caught up on posting sessions so I'm going to start fresh from here and try to keep up. Coming later this week... a post featuring the 3 newborns I'm photographing tomorrow. Yes 3! The maternity picture of the friends I posted a few weeks back - well 3 of the babies have arrived!
The first day went great - she loved it and her only complaint was that it wasn't long enough! Emma cried as the bus pulled away which did get to me but we switched gears right away and made cupcakes to surprise Madison. She loved that she got to decorate them all herself. Before we knew it the time had passed and she was home again. She just can't believe she gets to go back tomorrow. I just hope she's still this excited in about 5 or 6 years... ;)
My oldest daughter is off to her first day of school tomorrow... so unbelievable to me that she is going to school already. Where has the time gone? I pulled up a few pictures from the last couple years that I had on my computer so I could share with you all my beautiful daughter. She is so excited about school and that is a huge relief to me. To all the kids out there going back to school have a great day!!
At orientation last week...
A snap tonight as we were getting ready for school tomorrow
And why her hair is messed up in the picture above...
Of course little sister Emma had to join in the funny face session! They had me cracking up. She is sure going to miss her sister!
This guy made arrangements to use Lenape Golf course for pictures and it was nice to have a change of scenery and very relaxing to ride around in a golf cart.
I'm still having trouble with my website shopping cart and still are getting missing orders. I personally will acknowledge your order by email so if you do not get that email then your order did not make it to me. Please call with any problems! Also reminder to Kittanning and Ford City seniors I need your picture number you want for the yearbook - please call me with it as soon as you can. Thanks!
My life has been non stop now all summer. This week is a mad rush to fit everything in before school starts on Monday. Even more so this year as my oldest is off to Kindergarten this year. :( I still can't believe it even after seeing her in her classroom yesterday. So as I try to deal with that and everything involved with my life getting busier my blog has been neglected. I do have tons of sessions I need to catch up blogging and I will get to them all eventually. To be a baby like this cute little one where your only worry was to eat and sleep...