Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Giggles, Babydolls, and Bubbles

Isn't she a sweetie? Look how she has grown from last year!http://capturingmomentsforyou.blogspot.com/2007/03/one-year-old.html

Monday, April 28, 2008


Two cousins - both 2

Baby number #2 on the way

Bet he'll be a cutie like his brother!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Giving back...

This year so far I have already donated numerous gift certificates to some raffles and also to some deserving families in the area. It makes me feel good to do this. I think having great pictures of friends and family is priceless. While I don't know in who's hand some of those now are I do know there are some other families in the area that deserve a session. Different times when I'm at the store I will see fliers for a benefit or a fund raiser for a child or family that is going through some illness or hardship. I don't always have a way to make a note of the information. SO I need some help reaching these ones. If you know a child that is dealing with a serious illness or a even a family dealing with a sick family member please send me an email with a brief story and contact information. While I can't make problems go away I can donate my time and capture some beautiful memories for them. Thanks for your help!

This little guy sure touched my heart...


Sunday, April 13, 2008

First comes love... then comes marriage

Then comes....

A beautiful baby boy!! Congratulations!

Photographed at 12 days old

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Philly wedding

I realized I hadn't blogged the wedding yet! I do have some of the pictures on the website under the wedding gallery. Enjoy!