Well yesterday marked one year in business for me! It has flown by.... I want to thank all you families who let me capture some great moments in their lives whether when they had a baby on the way, a new little life, or a toddler. Seniors, you made my summer fun and exciting! Especially to all the new happily married couples who trusted me to make their wedding day live in photos for you to always treasure.... I'm so glad to have made you all happy! Your compliments and Thanks are overwhelming!
I have had some pretty cheap prices for my first year as I should have... but I do need to raise them to better reflect the time involved and the quality of product you are receiving. I do have two little girls and my time with them is precious. The baby days are flying by too fast! I really didn't have a summer due to the overwhelming business I've had so I do need a break to catch up on some things. I already have many sessions scheduled into November but there are still weekday sessions available and a few weekend time slots. I will be taking December off with the accepting of newborns. It's a vacation month for me to catch up and to celebrate 7 years with my very understanding husband!
The new print prices are now listed on both websites. If you have a session booked with me as I post this you will be given the old pricing. There will also be a slight increase in session fees with an upcharge on weekends for obvious reasons. If I'm going to miss the Steeler game I need compensated! Hee Hee :)
So thanks again for a great year - it was 100 times more than I ever imagined!
Thanks, Kelly